onsdag 8 december 2010

Jenolan caves

After Blue mountains we went to Jenolan caves, Australians moust famous and largest caves!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Vilma,
    We have just seen a film about Australia, it was interesting. If you happen to come over a map from Canberra it would be fun to see. Lena told us that the town was built in a special way.
    Kevin, Eljas: Hi, how are you?<33
    Pommes: Were the caves cool?
    Oscar: I like your photos from the cave, they were cool.
    We all miss you
    Greetings from 6g3<33333333333333333

  2. nice photos <33 miss you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333
    /Hanna <333333
