söndag 12 december 2010

At the beach! YEAAAH!!!!

Now we have been in Sydney for about one and a half week. And the latest days we have been to several beaches....

Beach no 1: Manly Beach.

Beach no 2: Bondi Beach

Beach no 3: Balmoral Beach.

My favorite beach was Mably Beach, located at the Manley Island.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hi vilma,
    which beach did you like most?<3
    miss you.<3<3
    // Erika.

  2. Hi Vilma !!!!
    MiSS YOU SOO MUTCH <3333333333
    i like the picture of balmoral beach <3333
    a lots of hugs from Panncake (Hanna) :P
